Product Design and conception of a web

application page for a UI


Product design

Challenge specifications

1. Create an interface that shows from the first look it's a platform

2. Use 4 colors green, violey and 2 primary colors white & black and don't use gradiant colors to combine between these 4 colors

3. from what written we conclude that's the product related to design domain

4. Use pictures

My Role

A solo project where I made a Product Design with a UI Approach. Developing all these tasks: Research, Planning, Brand Design, Illustration, UX Writing, Prototype, Low and High fidelity wireframing.


Create a Page with the specifications given and make the page looks smooth.

Brainstorming / low fidelity wirefrime

After brainstorming and benchmarking, i created a low fidelity wireframe showcase my idea

CarnaRio app Login Screen

High fidelity wireframe

i used miro as a tool to make wirframes CarnaRio app Login Screen

Hi-fidelity prototype

Here is the Hi-fidelity prototype.

CarnaRio app Login Screen

If you have any question I am available. Let's talk about technology, programing and UX UI design. Feel free to add me on linkedin